EU (credit image/Pixabay/Dusan_Cvetanovic)Arribatec has announced that the European External Action Service (EEAS), a European Union (EU) agency has awarded the Unit4 partner with a final contract award of €6.3 million for an ERP support contract. The contract is for 4 years. The original tender estimated a contract value of nearly €12 million. The total contract appears to be €7,900,000, of which Arribatec will deliver 80%.

The contract is for the “Provision of IT consultancy services for development, maintenance, support and implementation of the Unit4 ERP.”

The announcement provides the name of the European agency following the award of the contract in May. Arribatec will now help to deploy Unit4 ERP across the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Missions. Which exist in locations such as Africa (Niger, Mali, Somalia, Central African Republic), Middle East (Iraq, Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory) and in Eastern Europe (Kosovo, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova). EEAS is the European Union’s diplomatic service and carries out the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy across the globe.

There are five broad deliverables for Arribatec:

  • Project Management to ensure the project meets its objectives within the allocated budget and time scheduled
  • Maintenance and support for the Unit4 ERP solution, consisting of three modules: Finance, Procurement and Logistics
  • The creation, development and testing of potential new functionality within the ERP. In accordance with the needs expressed and agreed with the Project Team
  • IT support – provide ERP support to end-users – Support with new updates of Unit4 releases
  • Deployment of ERP system in CSDP missions
Geir Johansen, CEO of Arribatec (image credit - LinkedIn/Geir Johansen)
Geir Johansen, CEO of Arribatec

Geir Johansen, CEO of Arribatec, commented, “We are excited to have been chosen to partner with EEAS. Which further cements our company’s position as the largest global Unit4 ERP services provider as well as the trusted partner for cloud migrations.”

Arribatec shows its Unit4 credentials

Arribatec is the biggest Unit4 partner in Europe. This award recognises not only that but also its strength in the European Region. This is just the latest public sector award for Arribatec. It has several customers in Europe, including Stavanger kommune, Arbeidstilsynet, Staten vegvesen and Kiruna Kommun.

At the heart of this contract is a cloud migration for EEAS to the latest version of the Unit4 software. Tom Vandezande, Executive Vice President of Business Services Arribatec Group  commented, “The EEAS award showcases our ERP and system integration expertise, as we are leveraging on the opportunities provided by our substantial pipeline of cloud
migration-related projects.”

Enterprise Times: What does this mean

This is a significant award, but it is also an endorsement of the Unit4 platform by a major EU government organisation. One that has used its solutions for several years. Details of what the project will entail and the timescale for the migration and deployment to the missions were not revealed. It will be an interesting project. And one that would look good within a portfolio of case studies for both Arribatec and Unit4.


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